Risk and Insurance Management to minimise financial impacts

Due to the digital revolution and enhanced complexity of global markets, companies must focus on agility and customer-centricity. Every sector tends to have more and more specific needs and long-term prevision, factors which are a major asset for a company wishing to foresee the unexpected changes that may occur at different levels of the supply chain process.


Company Profile

GKSD ime is the strategic company in charge for the Procurement and Logistics coordination and Risk Management for Gruppo San Donato (GSD) and other Clients. It is a trusted strategic asset for GSD.

What we do

  • Risk Management

GKSD ime carries out activities of analysis, transfer and mitigation of corporate risks with a strong focus on changes in the insurance markets.

  • Intermediate Solvency

We coordinate and support initiatives aimed at the continuous development and expansion of the intermediated solvency market


Get in touch with our professionals for further information.