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Marco Rotelli, Kamel Ghribi and Marco Rotelli.

GKSD from Vision to Reality

The board

The Unique Skills of the GKSD Board Guide the Company Towards the Most Innovative Solutions.

Kamel Ghribi

President of GKSD Investment Holding Group, President of IRCCS San Donato Hospital, Vice President of GSD IRCCS San Raffaele University Hospital, Vice President of IRCCS Galeazzi Sant'Ambrogio Hospital, President of the non-profit European Corporate Council on Africa and the Middle East (ECAM) and Chairman of the Supervisory Board of American Heart of Poland and Scanmed, Kamel Ghribi is a seasoned entrepreneur.

He founded GKSD Investment Holding Group a multidisciplinary group covering activities ranging from healthcare through to engineering, infrastructure and construction. With a strong focus on energy efficiency and construction projects GKSD also has an advisory arm (legal and tax advisory) as well as a procurement division to support group companies and partners. Since its inception, GKSD has become the provider of choice for the conception, creation and management of complex healthcare projects with a strong presence in Italy, Africa and the MENA region. GKSD has developed the culture of expansion that boosted the international profile of Italy’s first private healthcare group – Gruppo Ospedaliero San Donato (GSD). As the driving force and President of ECAM (The European Corporate Council on Africa and the Middle East) Kamel Ghribi is seeking through this non-profit foundation and international think-tank, to bring together leaders, policy makers and government officials from Europe, Africa and the Middle East. ECAM’s primary objective is to develop feasible, effective and lasting solutions for more sustainable investments in sectors such as healthcare, energy and infrastructure throughout Africa and the MENA region. As a member of the International Executive Board of Directors at Med-Or, (a part of the leading aerospace, security and defence company Leonardo) Kamel Ghribi continues to promote cultural initiatives, research and education in science, that will strengthen links, exchanges and international relations between Italy and countries in the Med-Or regions.

Kamel Ghribi.

Paolo Rotelli

Paolo Rotelli’s professional experience began in 2011 when he was given the opportunity to support the CEO of GSD for one year, whereupon he was able to understand first hand the complexity of factors involved in healthcare management and developed his own successful management style based on an interdisciplinary approach covering economics, philosophy, psychology and sociology.Responsible for the rebranding and modernisation of GSD, in particular the adoption of integrated digital technology and breaking into the foreign healthcare market, he is currently President of IRCCS San Raffaele Research Hospital, President of the Vita-Salute San Raffaele University, Vice-President of Gruppo San Donato (GSD); GKSD Holding and Galeazzi-Sant’Ambrogio Hospital.

Paolo Rotelli.

Marco Rotelli

As Vice-President of Gruppo San Donato (GSD), Marco Rotelli supports the rationalisation of financial resources that permit patient centred care and the freedom to choose clinical structures and Doctors. Such an approach to healthcare not only protects the patient’s health but also guarantees quality services and transparency at all stages of treatment. Since 2018, Marco has been President of the Junior division of AIOP (the Italian Association of Private Hospitals) Lombardy and he is also currently a member of the AIOP Lombardy Senior Division Board of Directors. Concurrently, he also serves as a member of the National Council for the AIOP Senior Division overseeing 520 private clinical care facilities across Italy that treat over 10M patients per annum. He is currently President of IRCCS Galeazzi-Sant’Ambrogio Research Hospital and Vice-President of GKSD Holding. Marco Rotelli also serves as Board Member of Assolombarda Senior Division and a member of the Board of Directors of Assolombardia Junior Division.

Marco Rotelli.


A successful company depends entirely on the sum of its parts. At GKSD we take pride in the strength of the teams who work tirelessly behind the scenes for us often overseeing highly complex management issues with flawless professionalism and efficiency.

  • Kseniia Bolshiianova.


    • Chief of Staff GKSD Holding
  • Fiona Harvey.


    • Chairman Relations GKSD Holding
  • Selena Lo Buglio.

    Lo Buglio

    • Legal Affairs Department GKSD Holding
  • Annamaria

    • Executive Assistant GKSD Holding


Our Scientific Board has what it takes to lead in Healthcare

The GKSD Scientific Board members drive the GKSD Healthcare arm of the Holding. With their myriad experience and expertise, they know what it takes to face new challenges and the pressures of success in the world of healthcare. They have the knowledge and ability to transform healthcare through innovation and their diverse experience and perspectives allow them to drive GKSD Holding into the future.


Our team provides operational excellence

Under the expert guidance of the Board the daily business of GKSD is run by highly experienced senior professionals supported by motivated and talented junior professionals who have the responsibility of ensuring that GKSD services are managed to the highest standards. United by the common goal of providing world-class services, all GKSD teams aim to deliver.