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International Cooperation:


GSD, IRCCS Polyclinic San Donato Research Hospital and Bambini Cardiopatici Nel Mondo have been collaborating with the IBadan University College Hospital Cardio-Vascular Department since 2014.

New National Institute for Cardiovascular Disease - New Medial Research Centre

Further partnerships with Federal Ministry of Health Nigeria, the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Ibadan and the ‘European Heart for Children’ Foundation has resulted in the construction of a new € 500.000,00 National Institute for Cardiovascular disease and a new medical Research Centre. Sadly, due to the ongoing civil war, the Shisogn clinic has had to close. However, activities have been moved to Yaounde where IRCCS Polyclinic San Donato Research Hospital and Bambini Cardiopatici Nel Mondo are involved in a massive effort to transfer babies and small children in need of complex paediatric care who cannot be treated locally. Indeed to date several patients have been operated on successfully.

